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When Things Explode

Volcanic explosion with lightning, Sakurajima volcano on japanese island Kyushu in 2013. A metaphor for how things have gone kaboom. Photo by Marc Szeglat on Unsplash

Things have gotten… interesting since I posted last. On the bright side, I figured out why I couldn’t finish the rewrite of Kim’s first book: I was missing some crucial information. I can’t divulge anything – it won’t be revealed until between books two and three – but it’s pretty earth-shattering and influences everything. Placing that story in the continuum will be interesting in and of itself: it’s not Kim’s third book as she doesn’t appear until late in the story, but her part is vital to her third and fifth books and beyond.

On the not-so-bright side, my personal life has gone kaboom. I cannot and will not reveal the details here, but it’s put a major kink in things. Right now, I’m in survival mode: keep my head down, stay out of the way, follow directions, and pray I don’t get caught in the crossfire or put in the crosshairs regardless. ::sigh:: With any luck, it will resolve in the next few months without exploding further.

Of course, school in the middle of all this isn’t helping. I’m ready to give up as I don’t feel like I’m getting anything out of it other than stress and have no motivation whatsoever. Still, I’m not a quitter, plus having this degree will open a lot of doors for me career-wise. I can’t teach without my masters’ any way it’s sliced.